Tuesday, December 25, 2001

"Do you think you surf the Net a lot? Here's a way to test your skills. Each year Terra Lycos releases the most popular search terms for the year. Take a stab at guessing the number one search in each of the categories listed."

go ahead, take the quiz!

how'd ya do? here are my results - no cheating! if ya haven't taken the test yet, look no further. *8-P

I scored 78% (7 out of 9 correct):
1. Most searched-for term on Lycos.com in 2001:
You said Osama Bin Laden. The correct answer is Dragonball.
dragonball? alrighty - we're obviously not heading to lycos to find out the latest headlines...

2. Most searched-for band:
You said The Beatles. The correct answer is N Sync.
oh jesus...i figured with george harrison dying recently, perhaps the beatles searches would increase dramatically...

3. Most searched-for woman:
You were right: Britney Spears.
interesting - RuPaul was one of the options for this question!

4. Most searched-for man:
You were right: Osama bin Laden.
well, duh - everyone wants that $25million...of course he's the most searched for!

5. Most searched-for sports star:
You were right: Anna Kournikova.
only cuz they wanted to see her nekkid!

6. Most searched-for fad:
You were right: Nostradamus Hoax.
of course, they started getting all those nostradamus hits on september 11...

7. Most searched-for TV show:
You were right: Big Brother.
yeah, i guess the 6 people that watched the lame-ass show watched the lame-ass net feeds too...

8. Most searched-for film:
You were right: Harry Potter.
was a toss-up between harry and lord of the rings - lotr's now ranked as the #1 (of the top 250) movie on the imdb, how's that for weird?

9. Most searched-for news event:
You were right: September 11 Attacks.
well, duh...

it'd be interesting to see the results from other engines, such as google and jeeves...

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