Saturday, January 26, 2002

just woke up from a STRANGE dream...i had a baby, and i was in pittsburgh...a very little, just barely born baby...the thing fit in my hand...and here i was in charge of it and was completely clueless as to what to do...*shrug* i think the pittsburgh thing comes from my watching the whole first season of queer as folk over the past couple of weeks...but the baby thing? no idea...

games night went well tonight - it was kind of weird without christine...angela's taking over, but she couldn't make it tonight so i was in charge - eeek!...started off kind of slow, but then more people arrived - i'd consider it a success...played euchre and catchphrase (the electronic version i bought is pretty cool!) and renee brought some card game i'd never seen before, illuminati...apparently i won, but i'm still not sure how...i suspect it's much like mah jongg - takes ya a long time to learn all the intricacies and such, but once ya do, it's addictive...

so i guess i won't miss out on the suckage that is work next week - doc's office called, they've got to reschedule my video eeg. had to cancel it again because the equipment's broken. they sure as fuck aren't instilling a lot of confidence in me here...

work: ugh. so we found out that they screwed up in telling us what our raises were. so i go from being not too disappointed to just irritated as shit. can't trust a thing they say these days, whether it be the insurance stuff or raises or whatever....they're getting really good at taking what little office morale was left and putting it right into the crapper....

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

"You are smart, but you're not right in the head." - yup, there's the evaluation of me provided by my boss today. thanks kim! *8-)
well...what started out as a majorly sucky night at work is becoming somewhat better...we're starting two new publications this week, and there's been NO pre-planning done and all hell's broken loose....and i've been "promoted" (if we dare call it that) to doing covers, yet they don't tell me half the shit i need to know to get the job done...ARGH! start work at 6:00 - by 6:07 i'm ready to pull out the uzi and blow people away....not a good way to start the day...

got a bit better when we weazeled donna into going to K-roger to make a ben & jerry's run...yummy! b&j always make things better! triple caramel chunk - yummmmmmy!

i just wanna fast forward the work schedule a few weeks ahead so that we can be over the growing pains and settled into a regular schedule...well, at least i get to miss the fun next week - i'm getting my head checked!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

weird dreams today...dreamt i went to work and cassandra was there, fully recovered from her stroke...*sigh* if only that one would come true...sheesh, now i've forgotten the others...they were even weirder...oh well.

so, at work yesterday we found out about our raises. i was all prepared to be majorly disappointed - and then i wasn't. i'm okay with the raise i got. yeah, it'd be great if it was bigger, but in this economy i'm gonna be glad i have a fuckin job, let alone one that gives me a raise....

monday's fast approaching...i'm doing the video eeg thing then...urgh.

time to get ready for work!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2002

(if ya can't watch on sundays, be like me and get yer cool-ass mom to tape it for ya...) *8-)