Wednesday, September 29, 2004

cute .sig file, donna... ;-)

I’ll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween. ~ Anonymous

Monday, September 27, 2004

last day of the Intensive Outpatient Program...

i graduated this morning - no more of that 3 hours a day, 3 days a week minimum group therapy stuff for me! i'm not cured or anything, but i know i've learned a lot more about myself and others and some valuable coping skills that i didn't have before. i hate goodbyes, but i know it's for the best, and it probably should've been done sooner.

there's a bit of a ritual when someone leaves the program - charles has this basket of stones...the graduate picks out a stone that grabs their attention and it gets passed around the room, each person taking a moment to say something about their experience with the graduate or whatever...meanwhile, the graduate has to remain silent - just shut up and take it...ugh, i can't take a compliment to save my's always interesting to see what people see about other people, what sorts of things make impressions on people...then, after everyone's talked, turnabout's fair play and the graduate has this stone with all these good vibes put into it and can say whatever she/he wants to say. i was just left sort of speechless.

onto the next chapter...

September 14 was a rather expensive day...

thirteen days - not even two weeks - and IU's sent me a bill for my day of pre-surgical testing...the MRI/interictal SPECT/PET scan combo...not a bill, really, just a warning of what they're sending to the insurance company.


sheesh. and we still have a weeklong video EEG and the neuropsychological testing to go through. damn, i'm expensive.


'nother bout of insomnia has kicked in - probably anxiety about today being the last day of IOP...i can't turn my brain off.

i've always been this way - impending changes freak me out...the first day of school was always huge, i never got sleep the night before - i'd lie in bed, awake, pondering what the new school year would bring. wish i knew how to just turn the anxiety off (well, i figure 3 or 4 xanax would do it, but i need to be coherent in a few hours, so i shouldn't try that)