Friday, December 28, 2001

argh! so, last week we had to turn in our enrollment forms for health insurance. currently, i have prudential's hmo, which seems to work great for me. but aetna bought prudential, so effective jan 1, no more prudential, no more hmo - i'll be under aetna's ppo. ppo's are supposedly so much more wonderful because there's so much more choice - blah blah fucking blah. i never had a problem getting the required referrals and stuff. all i know is that my premiums are going up (tho not through the roof like my married and/or with children co-workers), i'll now have a $300 deductible that i didn't have before, my doctor visits will be $15 or $20 (instead of $10) and my prescription costs will TRIPLE. used to be, i could use the mail order company and send in a one month co-pay and get a three month supply for the price of one month. not any more - they want me to send in two months' copays for a two month supply. what's the advantage to that?!? for most normal people, i suppose that's not a big deal, but i have 10 prescriptions to fill! and i'm supposed to have a video EEG in the hospital in january, but i'm gonna have to cancel that because i sure as hell don't have the $300 co-pay. i suppose i should just shut the hell up and consider myself lucky that i have _some_ insurance, but to go from having such good coverage to this _SHIT_ is quite a shock.

*grumble grumble grumble*

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