Friday, November 02, 2001

well, the gayindy hornet's nest settled back down rather quickly...never did get a reply from wally though...*shrug*

got email from christine today - at the last pitch-in several of us mentioned wanting to go to the harry potter movie, so it looks like about 20 of us will be going on opening night, in two weeks...*8-)

robin dyed my hair for me again - we had our semi-regular bitch-fest about work and associated co-workers...she's got two new kittens - they're sooo cute! melissa & clare and cheryl & jen & sierra stopped by to check out the kitties as well....i hung out and had dinner with robin & kerry - they make their jambalaya with steak and sausage - different, but really good! shrimp woulda been nice, but kerry doesn't care much for those bottom-feeders, he's a red meat man...

so, i've been having this seafood craving...i just called dale to see if he and greg would like to go out for crab legs...seems they probably can't make it over here by dinner time - they're in New Orleans!! duh....lucky for them they'll be back here for mah jongg tomorrow nite though - if not, i'd hafta kill them...

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