Friday, November 02, 2001

there's one species out there in which the females are DEFINITELY the weaker sex...(or more annoying, at least)...

ginko trees....

mom's got a ginko in her front's a female...apparently, it's the females that bear fruit...these grape-sized fruits fall from the tree and proceed to rot, making a huge stink in the process...not to mention the uncomfortable sensations invoked when stepping on the little fuckers! apparently, we can use Fruit Eliminator - a type of birth control for fruit trees - to stop it from bearing fruit, but ya have to apply it in the springtime and we found out about it too late for this year...

there is a good side though - it's a beautiful tree, and in the fall, the leaves are a blazing yellow...most of the leaves fall at one time - it happened last's a beautiful says it looks like it's raining corn flakes...

if only those damned fruits weren't causing such a stink...

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