Monday, August 20, 2001

'tis that weird time of night - 1:30, sunday night - technically monday morning...having just gotten home from work an hour ago, i'm sorely tempted to take a nap, but i know better than that, for it'll totally fuck up my schedule...i need to stay up till morning and then sleep all day before going to work at 7pm monday night...sometimes i don't like the weird schedule i work, but for the most part, i really do like it - 3.5 day weekends are cool. almost seems like it would be impossible to go to a 5-day, 9-to-5 job...but would that be better for my brain? is this work schedule part of the problem when it comes to my seizures? wish i knew just what it was that caused this last seizure - it was so much different than ones before. is it even related? and to cause such personality changes in me, for such an extended period of time - just what in the hell is going on? been having really weird dreams lately too - is it related? dreams of fighting with mom - mean, nasty, horrible, hateful fights....or the dream of sleeping and waking up to find i'm lying on pieces of broken glass - i throw them away, only to find more the dream related to my continually cleaning up the broken glass from my trashing my apartment during my seizure? sheesh, i can't even begin to count how many candles and decorations i broke - slivers of glass all over, and just when i think i've swept it all up, i'll find more. so many questions in my mind, about my mind...

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