Thursday, August 23, 2001

i *FINALLY* finished unloading all the groceries from the HUGE trip to K-roger....because we made the requisite purchases during the month prior, we got a 20% discount on all the groceries we bought this trip. so i had all my coupons and rainchecks ready to go...spent $110, saved $298+ - yeah, i got four hundred bucks worth of groceries for a hundred bucks! it was probably closer to five hundred, cuz Amanda the Kroger Cashier Goddess didn't have to scan half the shit i got that was BOGOF on the rainchecks....ahhhh, BOGOF - think that's my favorite acronym...Buy One Get One Free...had so much shit i filled TWO grocery carts...amanda's totally cool - am i a complete freak for having a crush on the cashier? at first my gaydar was saying "DYKE" but she mentioned she recently got married - to a man. damn. maybe she swings both ways...*smirk* i just have to wonder though - she's a hell of a lot nicer to me than any other customers...

so, i got lots of shit that i'll be able to donate to the Julian Center - i set up a donation drive at work...not quite sure what possessed me to do it, not like i'm a battered wife or anything, but hey, it hit some nerve inside i'll be responsible for collecting donations that my co-workers bring in, from food to clothing and baby items...

got "high art" on dvd....had to get it through ebay - it's not available in the US...apparently this one's from, now i can turn on the subtitles and brush up on my's such a freakin' awesome movie - i don't know specifically what it is about it that has touched me, but i just really really like this movie...

got to get some sleep....doc appt in the afternoon, then meeting up with debbie tomorrow night to catch up on things...

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