Friday, August 24, 2001

met with deb last night, to explain to her that i hadn't dropped off the face of the earth and that i still wanted to be involved with switchboard. i'd forgotten about her whole psych background - she was very...what's the word i want?...not touchy-feely, but a bit more understanding and concerned than other people might be...

so, due to lack of volunteers and such, they're cutting back the switchboard from 7 nights a week to fri-sat-sun...i told her that sucked for me cuz thursday was the night i typically did it - it had worked out for me cuz i'd do switchboard thursday, whatever on friday and mah jongg on saturday...she said she also did, we might do thu-fri-sat-sun now...i need to see how the IYG thing goes, if they're gonna schedule me for specific thursdays or what...

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