Monday, April 04, 2005


i love to surprise people - so when i saw an upcoming event advertised last week that i knew kat would enjoy, i told her that she was being kidnapped on saturday. awfully nice of me to warn someone of their impending kidnapping, dontcha think?

saturday was opening night at Hoosier Park - i've never been to the horse races, and neither has Kat - however, what really made it something i knew she'd enjoy meeting Rupert Boneham from "Survivor" - she swears she's Rupert's biggest fan. it was a "Reality Show Star Challenge" : Butch Lockley from "Survivor", Melissa Hunter (aka MoJo) of "Joe Millionaire" and Ryan Laster of "Elimidate" were also there. so we got our pix taken with Rupert, got autographs & t-shirts and watched the races. kat and i made bets based on names of the horses, having absolutely no knowledge of this stuff, and we did rather well - one horse won that we bet to place - had we bet on it to win, our $2 bet would've won $46 - instead, it was more like five bucks. doubt i'll make a habit of going to the track, but it was certainly fun and i wouldn't mind doing it again.

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