Saturday, August 28, 2004

productive saturday...

got lots done today - lots of miscellaneous errands the new bank card in the mail, so it was a trip to the bank to get the new PIN set up...then a trip to the library to pick up books/cds on hold...

then i harassed kat at work - my video eeg on thursday/friday has left residue on my head, and it's been itching like crazy...figured she'd have stuff at work (conveniently named "Lori's Hair Care") that might be a bit more capable than what's sitting in my bathroom - so i got some sort of goop put in my hair, sat under a dryer with a plastic bag on my head for a while, then rinsed it out and even managed to get my hair trimmed. most of the color's gone from my hair, i suspect kat will be wanting me to be her ginuea pig soon - she'd mentioned perhaps trying red sometime, we'll see about that one...

more to write about, but i'm whupped - time for some sleep...

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