Friday, August 27, 2004

one day is different than 24 hours...

when ya tell me to show up for a one day eeg, i figure i get there on thursday, i leave on thursday...well, i get there, and they let me know that i'm spending the night - whoo hoo! thinking i'd only be there till the evening, i didn't pack an away bag or anything. oh well, shit happens, we'll get over it. wish they'd have said a "24 hour eeg" tho - they've called them that previously, and i would've realized i'd be spending the night

of course i was majorly stressed before getting there, major traffic along the way, difficulty finding parking and so on and so forth. so we finally get to my room, they check my vitals - blood pressure's 196/89. not a big surprise actually, i could FEEL the stress coursing through my body, even though high blood pressure is one of the few disorders i actually DON'T have. so i sit around and wait for the EEG tech to show up with her glue gun and camera and 298,713 electrodes to attach to me and viola! get in bed and act like everything's normal!

mom stayed with me and of course the only time it seemed like anything strange happened was WHILE they were putting the electrodes on, before i was actually hooked up to the computer - a little deja vu episode, perhaps a slight complex partial seizure, but it wasn't recorded, of course. the doc will get all the info and see if i had seizure activity that i wasn't aware of (perhaps in my sleep) and we'll go from there...

kinda bummed i don't have the energy to make it to games night this evening, but i'm still wiped out and my hair is still all skanky from all the glue and crap they put in it and i just need to chill...

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