Monday, April 26, 2004

tv critique...

okay, so we're now 2 episodes in to season 4 of Queer As Folk...first noticeable change is the intro - they've toned it down a bit...seems they've made it less queer...*shrug*'s cool to see brian show some of his humanity while still keeping his amazing ability to be a huge asshole completely intact...the ted in rehab story irks me a bit - he's in therapy with an ex that he'd put into rehab that's now become a counselor?!?!? seems like a major ethical problem going on there - mitch shouldn't be his counselor or have anything to do with him other than to say he knows what he's going through and give him a little pat on the back. totally unrealistic story line there...*shrug*

and then there's the Restaurant - Rocco, yer fucking this one up. granted, it's making for great reality tv, but why get pissy when people call you on not ever being around when it's so obvious that you're never around, you're too busy plugging your book or whatever other little project you're working'll be interesting to see how this one turns out...

meanwhile, on The Practice, there've been a number of interesting special guests (William Shatner's hysterical! Rebecca DeMornay's pretty good at the ice-queen bitch role, and it'll be interesting to see what they do with Vincent Pastore's (aka "Big Pussy" on the Sopranos) character. i wonder how many of these character's we'll be seeing in the spin-off that's supposed to be happening, with James Spader as the star...

Survivor All-Stars - c'mon Rupert, let's go all the way this time!!!

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