Thursday, April 29, 2004


kat and i have watched a few movies over the last couple of nights...i went over to her place wednesday night, and we rented Johnny English and Wonderland...we watched Johnny English - silly movie, but provided a much-needed laugh.

tonight, we watched Wonderland - interesting story, but a bit confusing...i guess that's the way with true-crime dramas nowadays - if there's the slightest bit of mystery they have to jumble everything up and change a few facts around to avoid libel charges or other potential lawsuits. Val Kilmer's an interesting John Holmes, and Dylan McDermott was practically unrecognizable - very weird. (somewhat related in the true-crime drama vein, June 1 is the release date for Monster on DVD - i'm looking forward to that one - yet another movie where it's definitely not got all the facts right, but if you take it as a fictional account, it's a damned good movie)

tonight, Kat treated me to a showing of Secretary - it was AWESOME...might just have to buy the DVD for myself. James Spader is just so fucking awesome, that's all there is to it. not very often that you find a movie about sadomasochism with such depth.

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