Tuesday, February 10, 2004

omigod, they're HUGE!!!

errr, the title refers to my PUPILS, ya pervert! *8-) the opthamologist dilated my eyes during my appointment today - wouldn't ya know it'd be the first sunny day we've had in weeks. i was sans sunglasses, and the drive home was literally painful - i squinted all the way...

doc wants me to up the vitamins and lutein since he's seeing more changes to my macula, as well as my having an increased risk of a torn or damaged retina - ugh. as many problems as mom's had with her vision, i know to take good care of my eyes.

i asked the doc about contacts - since i'm nearsighted, i don't have to have the glasses on 24/7, and i have a tendency to leave them off when i really should probably be wearing them. maybe contacts would remedy the situation, tho dr. alig says that i shouldn't wear them when i sleep. the chicks in the office said he doesn't recommend that for anyone, but he said particularly in my case, wearing em overnight would be a bad idea. regardless, my insurance mandates i go somewhere else (probably target) for contacts, so i wanna look into the costs before i make a decision there...

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