Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Jesus H Christ - Talk of brainstorming 'may offend epileptics' - ummm, no it doesn't. ya know what? i'm epileptic and i can brainstorm with the best of 'em! i've NEVER associated the word brainstorm with anything to do with my seizures, and i suspect i'm in the majority the article says, i'd be more irked if someone asked me if the term offended me...

the followup discussion on fark was amusing as well - all the requisite epileptic jokes, of course:

Q: What do you call an epileptic holding a glass of milk?
A: A milkshake.
Q: What do you call an epileptic in your bathtub?
A: A jacuzzi.
Q: What do you call an epileptic in your garden?
A: A seizure salad.
Q: What's the ultimate doom for a leper?
A: An epileptic fit.
Q: What's the difference between a corn farmer with epilepsy and a blonde with diarrhea?
A: One shucks between fits.
Q: What do you call a stoned epileptic?
A: Shake 'N Bake

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