Thursday, November 08, 2001

argh...frustration with doctors today...first off, dr. english...i'm not all that upset with her, i just wish she could get a magic wand and wave it and *POOF* all my bad things would disappear...ya know, i'm surprised the damned drug companies haven't come out with one to give out to all the docs, with their prominently placed logos on the handle or something...

so, anyways, she gave me a referral for a dietician - maybe she can help me figure out what i'm doing wrong...

then, this afternoon i called dr. mohan's office to see if i should've received something in the mail about monday's video eeg - ya know, like where to show up, what to bring, etc, etc - like the packet of stuff they sent me before my sleep study...julie told me she'd call me back in a few minutes, and she did - to tell me the equipment in the hospital is broken and they have to reschedule my eeg for december 3rd. oh, so i ask to reschedule it and they can't possibly squeeze me in until late january, but now there's magically appeared a space for me on december 3? at least i found out before the fact - had i shown up at the hospital on monday at 7:30am only to find out it'd be postponed, i'd have been majorly shitty....

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