Monday, September 11, 2006

i'm so butch...

i'm so butch that i buy my medical supplies at the Tractor Supply store. And i've heard of the things they've had there, even though the cashier looked at me like i was an alien when i asked her if they had cow magnets. maybe she thought it was just another stupid city girl walking in - she told me maybe i should try Kohl's - er, no, i explained to her - not a refrigerator with a pic of a cow on it, a cow magnet that you put in a cow's stomach to attract the metals that it digests to avoid harming the cow...i poked around the store and eventually found them...then i had to explain to her that i didn't have any cows, that i used them to activate my Vagus Nerve Stimulator. hey, bargain hunter that i am, i'd much rather pay eight bucks for three of them than get the "official" version from the VNS company for thirty bucks EACH.

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