Monday, April 10, 2006

i love my TotalFarking buddies!

so, i bought a couple of goldfish - now they're set up in a bowl, just swimming around and checking things out. i posted a message on TotalFark asking for suggestions for names - i was hoping for some good punny and/or funny ideas, and the only one i'd come up with was Tracey Goldfish...

now i've got a plethora of ideas swimming around in my head (har har)

some of the ideas posted that are still in the running:

do i go back and get two more fish? then i'd name them Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia - the Goldfish Girls!!

Abe Vigoda?

Lewdfish? (har har, a bit of a pun on lutefisk, which is cool, given my Norweigan heritage) although i think i'd be tempted to spell it Lou D. Fish or Lou T. Fish...

one person suggested if i went with Tracey Goldfish to name the other one Carp Cameron...

Baked & Fried - now that's just evil - i love it! "Lookit my goldfish - Baked and Fried!"

Fluffy and Snowball - hmmm, awfully surreal - i kinda like it.

Sid Fishous

Sushi & Sashimi

James Pond and Goldfinner

one farker suggested Dickface and Sphincterbutt, but i need for them to be named something that i can say in front of children, so i'm gonna hafta cross that one off the list...

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