Monday, May 30, 2005

the holiday weekend recap...

nice (though somewhat atypical) holiday weekend - didn't have the usual Memorial Day picnic or party type thing, but still fun.

saturday, went to michele's 40th bday party...she was surprised. the key to a surprise birthday party? have it on a day that isn't actually the person's birthday!

sunday was race day - bummer that danica patrick didn't win, but 4th is still damned good for a rookie run at the indy 500. maybe next year.

my internal calendar's all sorts of confused - i think it started on friday, when news about Carb day being that day made me think it was thursday. dangit, Carb Day is Thursday - that's the tradition! granted, the race cars no longer have the carburetors that put the "carb" in Carb Day, but it's still supposed to be the thursday before the race, not friday. alas, mom and i made our own Carb Day on friday - i fixed spaghetti for dinner. *8-) granted, the "carb" in spaghetti is for carbohydrate rather than carburetor, but still - carbs galore!

sunday night i got kat and we went to Garage Party at Club Industry...what a jumble of emotions there - supposedly the last Garage Party since Indiana Still Cares is going belly up. Indiana just don't Care no more. *shrug* it was the 25th Garage Party, and brought back memories of my being a volunteer long ago for Indiana Cares, and the Stop AIDS project. for some reason, my volunteering and being at the 13th Garage Party stands out in my head - G P One Three - at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. *shrug* all in all, the Garage Party went out with a whimper rather than a bang - just a dj and booze set up at Club Industry with a smattering of Bag Ladies. nice little change of scenery from the usual bars, but still nothing too special.

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