Wednesday, December 15, 2004

it ain't brain surgery...

...oh yeah, i guess it is...

met up with a couple more docs at iu on tuesday - dr. pettigrew was first on the schedule - he's an internal medicine doc they sent me to in order to give me a general check-up and clearance for surgery...assuming nothing majorly weird comes back from my lab work (which i don't think will happen), i think i've got his thumbs up...

dr. worth was the other doc i met - he's the doc that will actually be performing the surgery...he gave a general overview of the procedure, mentioned the statistics, all that fun stuff...someone from the office will be calling to schedule the Wada test for me, then the surgery would be a couple weeks after that - now we're looking at february for that to be happening...

meanwhile, the docs are shifting around the seizure meds i'm taking and things are annoying, but there's light at the end of the tunnel...

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