Wednesday, August 04, 2004

whole lotta shakin goin on...

yup, had a seizure early tuesday morning (around 3am), then had some more weirdness happen during the day tuesday - fun fun fun. not sure how this'll effect the testing/surgery evaluation - damn, i shoulda just gone right to the hospital and got hooked up to an EEG. it's possible that the birth control pills i take for PCOS are interfering with the lamictal that dr. mohan's prescribed - i'd been off of them for a few months cuz my rx ran out and just recently started em back up again - so i need to give the gyn a call. also need to talk to the shrink about getting a better pill to help me sleep - the sonata is helping me GET to sleep, but i'm still waking up numerous times throughout the night...

ugh, it's all so frustrating. and while the seizure itself wasn't that bad, the aftereffects seem to be hanging around a lot more than usual - still feeling kinda squirrelly.

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