Tuesday, April 13, 2004

VNS Update...

Dr. Mohan mentioned the S word today - SURGERY. since the VNS isn't controlling my seizures as much as we'd like it to, perhaps i need to be thinking about it. eh, i'm not using all my brain anyways, let's just carve out the malfunctioning parts. hopefully there'll be some left over!

before today's appointment, the VNS was set at 1.25, with the magnet zapping it up to 1.5 - today, when doc tried upping it to 1.5 / 1.75, it was clear that i couldn't take the boost - i started choking, tears streaming down my face. kinda weird, i haven't had such a strong reaction to this before. so, he backed it down to 1.5, with the magnet also zapping it at 1.5 - generally it's standard to set the magnet activation at .25 higher than the ongoing setting, but we'll see how this goes for now...

he's also wondering if the seizures i'm having could be related to low blood sugars, so i'm going to have to chat with the endocrinologist about some potential changes to those meds...fun fun fun!!!!

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