Wednesday, February 04, 2004

big sister to the rescue

spent yesterday being big sister to adam, shuttling him around town since his car died on the interstate. the doofus left his blinkers on overnight, so in addition to the gas line probably being frozen (he left the car almost empty during the big freeze here while he went off to mexico) the battery was toast as well. my jumper cables couldn't resurrect the car, so off to AAA to get him signed up - i explained that it'd cost as much as the tow and he'd have the membership for a whole year. well, they charged him an extra $25 since he needed the car towed right away. i'm not automotively inclined in the least, but i do know that when it's this freaking cold out you don't leave the gas tank almost empty and you don't leave your blinkers running for 12+ hours. so now his car's in our driveway, he's gonna get it figured out when he gets back from europe - he leaves this weekend and will be gone 3 weeks or so...

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