Saturday, November 29, 2003

thanksgiving was cool...

went to my aunt's house for the big family gathering on turkey day - it was huge selection of family photos inspired me to create a few presents for the kids - my cousin's little kids got tshirts with their pix on them, the bigger kids got other presents - one a snow globe, one a jigsaw puzzle with her pic on it...

i didn't do the Black Friday shopping thing - just didn't have the energy (let alone the money) for it. so i slept in, had a relaxing day...i wasn't able to adhere to adbusters "Buy Nothing Day" because of my need for prescriptions and food, but i restricted the amount of crass consumerism that is so typical the day after thanksgiving.

this is the time of year that i always seem to be a bit more introspective about stuff - thinking about what i'm thankful for and such...i'm thankful that i can be unemployed and still have a roof over my head...thankful for my wonderful mother and all she's done for me...thankful for friends that have stuck by me, even when i'm not such a good friend...

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