Tuesday, September 09, 2003

ha ha ha, seems this dave barry article about telemarketers has caused an uproar - ol' dave published the American Teleservices Association's toll-free phone number (that's 1-877-779-3974) and encouraged people to call and tell the telemarketers what they think...

so ... "The article generated thousands of phone calls to the ATA number, said Tim Searcy, ATA executive director. As a result, the association switched the number, which it formerly answered live, to a voice recording. The recording advises callers that the organization is unable to take the call because of "overwhelming positive response to recent media" and asks that they leave a message. "

farkers are talking about continuing the phone campaign to the telemarketers - methinks they'll be changing their phone number in the very near future...

they're labeling it a "prank" by dave barry - i don't think they understand how freaking ANNOYING it is to get 24890 unsolicited phone calls for crap you don't want at all hours of the day. i dunno, i might be a bit more annoyed at it than other people, simply because i sleep during the day and it's amazing how many stupid calls are made at 1 in the afternoon (ugh, can we also get these freaking landscape people to quit knocking on the door asking if we'd like the stumps in our front yard removed??)

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