Wednesday, May 28, 2003

hrmmmm....we'll hafta see about this one:

The Bravo cable network is going where no television dating show has gone before: matchmaking gay men.

"Boy Meets Boy," a six-episode series that will premiere in July, also twists reality show conventions by secretly including straight men among the pool of dating prospects.


It appears "Boy Meets Boy" will handle it in a lighthearted, non-exploitive way, he said.


Already, the Traditional Values Coalition plans to alert its 43,000 member churches to protest the series, said Andrea Lafferty, the Washington-based group's executive director.

"Clearly, they've hit a new low," Lafferty said. "What's next after `Boy Meets Boy'? `Boy Meets Sheep'?"

hrmmm, well the fact that the TVC is protesting it means i'll definitely watch it, and encourage everyone else to do so, and to email Bravo that they like the fact that they broadcast programming for everyone, queers included.

UPDATE: interesting comments in the Fark discussion of this thang - now i'm not sure what i think of it good to add straight guys in the mix of potentials, or are we setting things up for another Jenny Jones episode? probably not that severe, but i wouldn't put it past a major 'phobe to act like a queer-supportive straight guy to get in there and cause some trouble...*shrug*...yay to Bravo for including queers, but do we really wanna be included in ALL the things straights are, including trashy "reality" tv??

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