Sunday, April 28, 2002

weird weekend. think i must've had a seizure thursday, i was just really out of it all day thursday and friday, and i had a bitch of a headache. *shrug* why can't shit like this happen when i'm AT the freakin' doctor's office?

i think the new work schedule will work out well, once my body gets acclimated to it. it's nice to actually have some time to just veg out on weekdays - i'm not staring at the clocking, thinking "okay, if i go to sleep RIGHT NOW, i can get 7 hours and 42 minutes of sleep" and so on...all last week i woke up before my alarm went off. i just wish i could catch a bus up here or something - i really should not be driving. kim said i could catch a ride with her, but she stays till 4:30, sometimes later and i wouldn't want to be a burden on her anyways.

urgh, back to work....

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