Sunday, April 21, 2002

urgh, can't sleep. shoulda gotten that Rx filled from the neuro doc, but i'm waiting for a coupon in the mail from the drug company so that it's free. yup, need to be pinching those pennies. mom's helped me go through all the medical bills from this year - now that I'm on the Crappy Insurance Plan with deductibles and copayments and shit, i need someone to explain this stuff to me - never had to deal with it before. i've had 3 trips to the hospital this year - the first for my seizure when i was at home and the ambulance came and got me, the second when i was having the chest pains and they diagnosed gastric reflux, and the third one being the biggie where i spent several days as an inpatient getting a video eeg done. so we pore through the mound of bills and certifications and benefit notices and find that my portion - what i have to pay now - comes to $1800. ouch. i'm really pissed. at a couple of people - the h.r. person from work that should've worked her ass off to find us new insurance that wouldn't fuck us over like this one. and i'm pissed at the neuro doc and the people at community hospital that postponed my video eeg a few times - had we done it when it was originally scheduled LAST YEAR, i would pay NOTHING for it. now i'm looking at eighteen hundred bucks worth of bills. argh. another thing that pisses me off - i've got the medical savings account thing through work, but how in the hell do they expect us to estimate our medical expenses for a WHOLE YEAR? i think 6 months would be much more reasonable. as it is this year, i have them take $50 out of every paycheck - $1300 for the year. well, i've more than covered that in the first quarter! well, thank god there's that $2000 maximum on my policy - once i hit two grand, they'll pay 100% - i figure maybe i should ask the docs for any tests that may want next year and go ahead and get 'em done THIS year. hrm, is 29 too early for a mammogram? might as well get my $$$'s worth, eh?

alrighty, i'll quit whining for a millisecond and talk happy news - i went to a vounteer meeting for IYG on wednesday, and it looks like i'll be hooking up with them again. i'm really looking forward to it. i have to keep in mind that this isn't the same IYG that i volunteered for 8 years ago, that there are a lot of changes and I can't expect everything to be sunshine and roses, but it still should be a good experience.

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