Saturday, December 08, 2001

i've learned something about myself tonight - i'm an old jewish lady...

for a couple of years now, saturday nights are generally reserved for mah jongg...go to mom's house and play with her and my bestest buds dale and greg...

mom got me a movie for my birthday that i had on my wish list - Mah Jongg: The Tiles That Bind ...well, it finally arrived and i set it aside till we could all watch it together...we watched it tonight...and it was hysterical - looking at these groups of old jewish and chinese ladies and seeing that we're just like them! mah jongg has bound us together in ways that nothing else's amazing, we sit around and play this game and eat and gossip and it's just wonderful...almost mystical, this connection we have when it comes to mah jongg...if we miss a week on occasion, i really miss it - i'd almost consider it an addiction. suppose i could be out cruising the bars for chicks on saturday nights, but no, i'd rather be at mom's playing with her and the gay boys...

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