Monday, September 24, 2001

majorly wicked storm happened while i was at work tonight, as the sun was setting...unfortunately i was at WORK and couldn't go out to check it out and really enjoy it...i like storms like that, when the atmosphere is completely unpredictable and awe inspiring. i swear, the sky was just about every color you could imagine - gray, white, blue, purple, red, orange, yellow, green...totally funky.

talked kim into letting me have next sunday - my birthday - off, even if i still have to do the video eeg as it's presently scheduled in's not that i have to have my b-day off specifically (especially when it's on a sunday, like this year), but with games night being friday and mah jongg being saturday (we have GOT to get new makeovers done!!!!) i'm not sure when/if i'll get to see matt, paige & adam. i've freaked mom out a bit - i've been telling everyone that this is going to be my last birthday...after 29, i'm not having any more...she seems to think i'm planning on DYING, hence no more birthdays....naah, i plan on sticking around, i'm just not going to get any older...

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