Friday, August 31, 2001

just got back from the neurologist - i'm even more scared now, i think. he needs more tests, obviously. said that the amnesia and personality changes sound more like a sleep disorder than being seizure-related...mentioned sleep apnea as a possibility. shit. thanks mom. so i need a bunch of blood tests (B-12 and sodium levels - if they're too low, that can affect my seizure threshold) and he wants a sleep study and a video EEG - i'd have to spend a few days in the hospital for that. he wasn't happy when i told him about my fucked up work schedule and asked if i could change that. i don't know if that's a possibility or not. maybe 4 10 hour days? oh hell, i don't know what this will end up meaning. it's scary as hell though. seems as though i'm getting all the stuff mom has, only 20 years sooner. *sigh*

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